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Mystic Wisdom
by Rumi via wisp Friday, Sep 17 2010, 8:42am
international / poetry / post

A heart's loss is a soul's gain.

Cultural divides and historical time are unable to disturb the message of unity, knowledge and love shared by all mystics.

"Do you know a name without a thing answering to it?

Have you ever plucked a rose from, R-O-S-E?
Seek the reality behind the name.
Look for the moon in the sky, not reflected on water.
If you desire to rise above mere names and letters,
Free yourself in one stroke.

Purify and free yourself from all attributes,
That you may see your own bright essence;
In your own heart is all knowledge,
Without book, without tutor, without preceptor."


Underground Oz Poetry. http://ozpoetry.lingama.net/news/poem-135.html