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Seek, Find and Marvel
by Kalika Tuesday, Nov 23 2010, 10:36pm
international / poetry / post

Goddess Kali
Goddess Kali

If you would discover me
my Love
seek me
where the discontinuous
surrenders to the continuous
where time evaporates and
form dissolves

be guided by the same sense
birds use
to return home

I have gifted you
a map sure and true
that you may never falter,
why do you
ignore your instincts?

cut a course
to my heart
be guided by the burning Light
of my Love for you;
my soul I offer as a
a beacon in times
of darkness and despair,
make haste,
fix your eyes and heart
on my Love and Light

allow my Love
to restore you,
open your heart that I may
enter in and guide you home
to Paradise;
your relentless pursuit,
diamond focus,
vigilance and determination
have earned
your reward;
it is time to embrace me whole
and lose yourself in my Being;
swim in my sea of Bliss,
imbibe the nectar I offer you

Every particle of stardust
dances attracting others
until the combined force
of their mutual attraction
and gives birth to Suns,
planets, Life;
they in turn
draw inexorably to me
spinning, colliding/merging,
releasing blinding power,
pure Ecstasy

dance with me again
my Love
your emancipation
is certain;
I approach at blinding speed
to take you home,
ready yourself
for my transforming embrace



Underground Oz Poetry. http://ozpoetry.lingama.net/news/poem-165.html