by rayn Wednesday, Apr 6 2011, 11:59am
international /
poetry /
the moon sends a silver
beam to elevate
my love for you
the entire universe
embraces LOVE
as we embrace each other
in Love
ever so easy
to its intoxicating allures,
fold yourself in my arms
wrap your being around my soul
release your spirit,
ascend that silver stair
i will chant it forever
the mantra,
i luv u, i love You completely –
i know no other way
seek refuge in my heart
and solace for your soul
receive me
as i receive you
in totality,
unconditionally and
be healed of all
your/my wounds and scars
be comforted tonight
and forever
your face lit
by the soft light of night
betrays a smile
a sigh escapes
variations merging,
as One;
the moon,
sky, stars
you and i
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