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Ecstatic Poetry
by Mirabai via Zi Sunday, Jul 31 2011, 2:48am
international / poetry / post

All mystic poets regardless of culture, time or gender deliver the same message and speak the same timeless, universal 'language.'

I have rendered two of Mirabai's poems into English. I hope the Hindu metaphors are not lost on Western readers, enjoy!

Mystic Poet, Mirabai (1498-1550)
Mystic Poet, Mirabai (1498-1550)

Ankle Bells

If Mira dances,
how can her ankle bells not dance with her?

“Mira is insane,” they say;
“the family’s ruin.”
One day poison came to my door, I drank it and laughed.
I am now at the feet of my Lord;
I offer my body and Soul to him alone.

The Lord is water to me, how I thirst [for Him];
I am never satiated.

My Lord lifts mountains
and removes evil from humanity;
My Lord vanquishes the selfish and greedy;

I go only to Him for shelter.

Why Mira cannot return home

The Dark One’s colours
have penetrated my body;
all previous tones and shades
have been washed away.

Making Love to the Dark One and eating little;
those are my pearls and carnelians.

[Mala] prayer beads and religious markings
these are my scarfs and rings;
they are enough feminine wiles for me --
my Beloved [Krishna] taught me this.

Condemn or accept me,
approve or disapprove,
I praise the Holy Mountain unceasingly.
I have chosen Bhakti, the path of Ecstatic Love;
many have followed before me.

I do not steal or injure any Being,
what would you accuse me of?

I have ridden Elephants
and felt their swaying power;
now you would have me ride a jackass,
please, try to be serious.



Underground Oz Poetry. http://ozpoetry.lingama.net/news/poem-195.html