by sadh Friday, Mar 15 2013, 10:57am
international /
poetry /
if every text
or other inscription
were destroyed tomorrow
knowledge would
not be lost
i have recorded
the entirety of
everything that is,
was, or ever could be
for eternity -
can u guess to which
text i refer, it blazes
before u?
u could no more
eliminate, pollute,
or despoil my creation
than i could allow it,
ur arrogance is only
matched by ur ignorance
and stupidity,
flea of my creation
do not trouble urselves
over ruin or restoration
the earth must project
my consciousness
as all creation projects me
all parts refer to the whole,
I AM my living creation
every substance is mine
nothing derived or otherwise
formulated by u is poisonous to me -
no mortal or created being
is able to challenge or overcome
that which created it,
ur only hope of continuity/survival
is to align urselves with my enduring
harmony -
defiance is a sure road
to obliteration
life would sprout from fire
or ice, as my creation
manifests my will
wherever there is life,
there find total knowledge
every part reflects the whole
and the whole
is the sublime
living, breathing, universe
remember my response
to my servant arjuna,
who refused his duty
on the battlefield;
all life originates
and resolves itself in me
u destroy, kill and create
i am the giver of life
and i take it as i see fit