"Always yield to temptation. It may not pass your way again" -- Robert A Heinlein
We are ONE
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by drew Sunday, Oct 25 2009, 8:51pm
international /
poetry /
Seabirds fly
fish swim
man kills I penned those words as a child, knowing (convinced) that it needn't be that way. Yet the killing persists and my childhood days are long gone!
The assassins of unity, hope, joy and all human values that we hold precious are KNOWN to us all; they brandish their vile, poisonous wares for all to see, hoping that fear overtakes our natural inclinations for Harmony, Peace and Love.
‘Our political leaders’ – sick narcissists and PUPPETS of the criminal elites -- pose no problem whatsoever that is clear; fleas are a greater nuisance than those incompetent, servile lackeys.
When WE decide together
the killing will cease …
If a young innocent child is moved to protest what then of mature adults grown strong and steadfast in their convictions?
Do not these constant outpourings indicate victory?
In vain do murderers, liars and thieves search for the source of their demise. A handful of sand is their reward, while we continue to command the high ground.
Constant harassment, persecution and repression have only made us stronger; surely these irrepressible outpourings and the RELENTLESS RESISTANCE indicate the final, inevitable VICTORY!
Love, camaraderie and Justice sustain us; no empire has ever claimed victory over the indomitable will of our people; we are honour/duty-bound to rid our ancestral lands of all invaders, murderers and thieves?
Who are we?
From the four corners of the WORLD -- WE are ONE!
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