Underground Oz Poetry     ozpoetry.lingama.net/news

by jaxie Monday, Mar 3 2014, 9:57am
international / poetry / post

two opposites riding tandem
on one bike,

i can hardly believe the revolving door
of these arrivals and departures,
so fast at times i lose track

no sooner one leaves
another appears
smiling with all lures
out waiting to snag me
like a sea creature
and me a willing victim
ready to be stung and consumed
eager to throw myself onto
the burning flames
of passion

an addict of luv, a fool
for appreciation --
i was emotionally deprived
as a child -- so i’m very easy

the power of these attractions
is awesome --
a new person/face/smile/glint,
another entity to discover,
an open terrain waiting
for me to explore every corner
and hidden place
until i have peeled
my new lover like a grape

some see my penetrating intensity
and run for their timid lives,
others can’t wait to be blasted
shattered into tiny pieces
of scintillating light/ecstasy/

it takes two,
one going the other coming --

you look so familiar
have we met before?

audio Reflections of my Life

Underground Oz Poetry. http://ozpoetry.lingama.net/news/poem-483.html