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We are ONE
We are ONE

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The Tibetan Long Hum
by sadh Friday, Mar 12 2010, 6:57am
international / poetry / post


how enthralled you were with my Asian
Art collection, one piece in particular,
a Tibetan Thangka – Yab-Yum,
Buddha and his Consort locked in sexual embrace
you loved that picture; I have it still,
though other pieces you liked fed my veins
to relieve the pain.

i saw your face today in the features of another (woman)
so young, as I remember you.
I nearly faltered.
you could have been twins though decades
and strength of character separate you.

this one diminutive but tectonic and
you, too fragile, like fine Chinese porcelain;
doomed to shatter.

i failed to protect you from wigs, gowns,
white coats and ugly, lying guardians/parents

what chance a young outsider,
defying the highest authorities in the land,
a rebel on their home ground?

they crucified us both – i lost you forever
torn from my arms and destroyed.

i discovered it was possible to kill
a person in a living body
leaving no trace of the crime
no evidence that would satisfy a court
though a vile, heartless murder
had been committed –
i can barely relate it now.

people forget that leucotomies are legal today
in 2010, only signatures from white coats are
required to commit spiritual or soul murder
though today ‘chemical management’ is preferred,
that’s social progress.

‘cure indicators’ have not changed in half a century --
able to perform menial labour
obey guardians
and others in ‘authority,’
take your zombie home.

u asked me what the painting represented;
always the philosopher,
i tried to explain.
the male, female deities in sexual embrace
represented the reconciliation of opposites,
the unification of (all) binary oppositions,
life-death, love-hate, day-night, heat-cold, dispassion-passion, etc.

The Buddha locked in coition yet oblivious
to the plurality of the world/sensation;
his Consort, her lips pressed tightly against his
her yoni enveloping his lingam, lost in passionate embrace;
you loved it, her abandon, passion and his imperturbable detachment!

together (only) they represent completion
everything unified,

Om Mani Padme Hum – The Jewel is in the Lotus

i intone it often, and remember ...


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