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The Buddhist Void/Nirvana
by sadh via duclie - Jungle Drum Newswire Sunday, Apr 10 2016, 12:54am
international / poetry / post

the Mahayanists
have an expression,
“coursing through the void”
and of course it reveals much

the ‘void’ in Buddhism is not emptiness,
as the word implies in the West,
it is voluptuous, saturated to the extreme, it designates the totality
of Being, Infinity
and infinity is continuous, kinetic by definition
constantly expanding; and so we realise
that stasis has no part in Reality,
indeed, as much can be gained from logic.
if infinity/reality were stationary (static) it would be measurable
and everything measurable has a beginning and end point
yet infinity by definition is beginningless and endless,
beyond measure and understanding by the culturally created, finite mind

and so according to prescription Budhhists eliminate mind
to achieve continuity or the Reality of Being.

it should now be apparent that the finite (thoughts, the measurable objective world, etc.)
is an artificial construction, an illusory obstruction to Reality; the finite mind
is a superimposition on continuous, unfettered consciousness
and by eliminating the obstructive process, i.e. the circular train of finite thoughts,
consciousness is then released and flows according to its nature, which
is Infinite. and so to be released into the ‘void’ is to “course,” move freely with continuous creation/infinity.

there are no mysteries in this universe, the above is an open secret,
as we are already integrated into the cosmic harmony; consciousness (as distinct from mind) is our direct bridge/link to infinity and to be conscious in the Real sense is to be continuous or immortal, as of course, we by virtue of our Existence have always been and will continue to Be as One with cosmic creation/infinity, which state, i would add has characteristics/qualities, all knowledge, ecstatic Bliss and the totality of Presence, the all-encompassing Present/Now, as time and space are measurable (finite) therefore annihilated by the kinesis of Infinity, there is in Reality only One continuous, creative, kinetic Present.

and so it is well said by the enlightened that while ‘coursing through the Void all is apprehended to be Void’ or the supremely saturated state of Be-ing.

if there is a mystery it is simply that entities on this plane fail to See, and therefore live their puny finite lives in torture, constant fear, ignorance and desperation. It is also well said that 'no cowards are admitted into paradise.' Simply assess the lives of the Buddha and Christ and ask yourself if they were cowards.

Follow link below to read the sublime Heart Sutra:


Underground Oz Poetry. http://ozpoetry.lingama.net/news/poem-661.html