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Hold Fast
by shaz via gail - Jungle Drum Newswire Wednesday, Aug 3 2016, 9:26pm
international / poetry / post

hold fast to that Love
which brought the universe
into existence -- not particular
but unconditional and boundless

why chase mirages that burnout
like fireflies, always luring temporal desire,
which only leads to ruin and pain?

the door to the furnace beneath
waits to be released,
let that fire ascend to heaven
burning your shackles as it rises
you are a flower that blooms in the morning
and bathes in moonlight by night,
why do you trouble yourself with perversity?

by day it is a shoreless crystal lake, by night
ebony though Swans are able to navigate it
freely, dancing in-on the ‘waters’ of Eternity
hold fast to that One Love,
it will never abandon you, it cannot

imbibe its purity and satiate your thirsty soul
only in it do you find peace, rest and Life

in the forests of the night you do not see
you tear your garments, flesh and wound yourself
in its thorny undergrowth
seek only the open sunlit fields of day
bespeckled with the wild flowers of Love
and you will be healed
and find rest and joy for your soul,
slavery and torture are NOT your heritage,
do not listen to the lies of blind men,
they will lead you to certain destruction and death

allow the TRUTH of Love to course through your Being
it will give you the eyes to See everything in its glory
and the world in its darkness,
you are not a dweller of the night

drink the morning and rise with the sun, which takes its light
wherever it goes,
and the dark night will never swallow you again

Underground Oz Poetry. http://ozpoetry.lingama.net/news/poem-669.html