Underground Oz Poetry     ozpoetry.lingama.net/news

by dan via shirl - Jungle Drum Newswire Tuesday, Apr 11 2017, 8:39pm
international / poetry / post

the sun dies in glowing embers
nocturnal animals rouse for the night -
burning, majestic is the apex predator
of the night
ready to tear at my heart and rend
me to shreds -- why must you leave?

familiar shrieks and calls disturb an otherwise quite night
in the forest of life
i weave my way through the darkness and undergrowth
like someone born to the night
yet this night’s duration is more than a mere nine hours
i am able to gauge how deep was my love
by the duration of the darkness

i should have known by the way you cut through
the other competing felines like a Sumatran tiger
smaller but no less deadlier than your Siberian cousins;
you toyed with me like a cat playing with its captured prey,
predator of the night

streamlined thighs, agile hips and fixed gaze
slouching through the undergrowth silently, effortlessly
like a cloud crosses the sky

i had no defences against your surprise attack, so direct,
determined, powerful -- it was almost a pleasure to offer my vulnerable neck
to such an unusual approach, no hesitation -- pounce
and i was finished

you made all the others insignificant, hesitant, vacillating
no-one was able to compete, even my favourite was silenced
when you forcefully intruded
but then the prize (me) goes to those that strike without

and so i lay in agony, your soft paws now surgical claws
slicing my innards tearing at my heart, jaws locked on my throat
suffocating me yet how i loved your impudence
and actions without regard for consequence

i should have known you would leave as you came
fast, furious and deadly but O how i loved every spontaneous
asian moment

Underground Oz Poetry. http://ozpoetry.lingama.net/news/poem-719.html