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Falling ...
by tracie via jill - Jungle Drum Newswire Friday, Sep 15 2017, 10:49am
international / poetry / post

is only frightening
to the ignorant

falling in love
falling asleep,
are they causes for concern?
no, they are desired, sometimes
frantically pursued,
which of course is not falling,
pursuing requires effort
falling implies letting go of everything
yet i have failed myself
my stupid will now obstructs the free flow
of falling and the knowing that one is caught
by a destination the route to which is unknown --
falling does not map or calculate a path
it frees one to arrive without thought and action

we know intuitively we are safe when we fall
even physically, tho that may result in death
but only of the body
nothing exists that is able to extinguish
the safety of a free fall

a genuine Indian Saint, an
extinct species today, once recommended
falling into the ultimate reality/samadhi
he got it right.
the pristine everlasting does not admit those that
carry baggage, if release is sought then carrying chains
is self-defeating,
fall into ur essential Self, an art almost lost today
tho the remnants remain in dreams,
falling in dreams tears at the emotions until we hit
bottom and realise we survived tho the horror
of the experience sticks like glue

and so i thought i would induce a dream and fall,
so after falling asleep i dreamt i was falling,
when i awoke i found i had fallen
into my lover’s arms,
my bothersome will now
left behind

Underground Oz Poetry. http://ozpoetry.lingama.net/news/poem-765.html