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The Screams ...
by jude via stella - Jungle Drum Newswire Thursday, Dec 28 2017, 11:08pm
international / poetry / post

of the murdered, tortured and abused innocents
stack like crystals that form in
fluids saturated with vileness, greed
and selfishness

the screaming crystal pillars formed penetrate
our atmosphere and reach the heavens
where they are heard by everything that exists
in this fluid cosmos

space is a medium that carries every
movement, thought and action in the forever,
the laws of which turn tirelessly to balance
all discord and disharmony

and so there will be a reckoning,
it is unavoidable if one is aware
of the dynamics of continuous creation/perfection;
the tiniest jot is accounted for
how much more the senseless slaughter of millions
of innocents and innocence?

woe to the arrogant few that serve discord
and the vile, as your fate is sealed by your perverse
thoughts and heinous actions

if one innocent child’s stolen life condemns you all
what price is to be extracted from you
and all your future generations?
a fate far worse than anything you could imagine
of that be assured, as the purging of many worlds
has also been recorded, to be viewed by those with the
single eye to see and read the signs

the poisoned star-spangled banner and all that follow
what it represents
will be reduced to ash -- do you doubt it?

Underground Oz Poetry. http://ozpoetry.lingama.net/news/poem-804.html