by noralene via sylph - Jungle Drum Newswire Saturday, Jan 6 2018, 6:47am
international /
poetry /
from the void a spark of light emerges
darting, moving, floating
the dark, still waters of a lake reflect the moon
perfectly but the spark is self-illumined
it meanders on its indeterminable course
feeling/tasting every space it enters until it finds
a home to shine forever in your heart
it must return to the void from which it sprang,
but this time taking you with it
light shines perpetually,
darkness is a temporary veil to protect eyes unused to light
all things return to their source as they must
it is raining in my garden, refreshing perfumed flowers
and fruit-bearing trees
so many souls returning home,
captured unawares
my love is spinning threads of light from a loom
of rainbows waiting patiently for my return