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We are ONE
We are ONE

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Quantum Entanglements
by sylvia via jake - Inverse Times Sunday, Apr 14 2019, 10:30am
international / poetry / post

if i split something composed
to discharge two identical particles
in linear opposite directions
and measure the outcome
it appears that the two particles
are entangled or are in relationship
as they arrive at the point of measurement simultaneously
regardless of the distance between them --

this appears mysterious to physicists
whereas the mystery is easily explained as the
targets exist in a world of plurality (space/time)
as does the experiment, all of which are governed
by the laws of that world, our world

all worlds and dimensions issue from a singular
substrate potential which manifests as the variegated
in multiple worlds/dimensions

some may have taken for granted distance,
time/space, which is the fundamental of
measurement upon which science depends
so we see that every experiment leads to a predetermined
outcome whether that predetermination is known
by the experimenter or not

entanglement is an illusion as the relationship
of one particle to the 'other' is created by the experiment,
nothing more, entanglement is nothing more than
one created particle appearing in two locations simultaneously
as neither particle exists until measured and measurement
is an illusion -- one meaning of the Sanskrit word, ‘maya,'
which translates as illusion, is, “to measure”
do we have it now? no, obviously not, as the substrate
potential has not been adequately explained

a sufficient explanation is that its quality, unformulated infinite potential,
is behind all manifestation, hence the illusion of two particles
whereas in fact there is only one, as it issues from the substrate
of all things as one --

before there was measurement,
which is the progenitor of plurality/illusion there was/is
only One essence of everything which appears due to desire

that is why experiments always produce that which is intended
by the experiment not necessarily the experimenter,
which entity may be unaware
of the process of production and the laws that govern it

the laws of a world/dimension create that specific world
which leads to the conclusion that consciousness formulates
everything that exists though that consciousness is one with the substrate
potential and cannot be separated from it as it issues from it,
it is it!

now note that consciousness cannot be apprehended as
something because it is the apprehender -- it has no plural qualities
in and of itself
yet it becomes every quality catalysed and created by desire
in our world/dimension and every other

foolish physicists attempt to comprehend that One essence
from a plural world perspective in which things are produced by consciousness,
which is without quality,
there is no ‘spoon,’ apple or orange
in the pregnant world of measureless (no space/time) potential

in actuality space/time measurement do not exist in Reality
only in created (by mind from consciousness) dream ‘realities,’ plurality worlds;
mind, a cultural product, is also created in this our world, however, consciousness
is unborn, uncreated, as it is INFINITE, without beginning or end therefore measureless
though its products are measurable as created illusions though ‘real’ within that dream

the indivisible point of origin is One though not particular
and remains as substrate supporting all worlds/dimensions of plurality,
which as explained are nothing more than dream worlds

if the process from potential to manifestation is understood then appearing
in any location instantly becomes a matter of ease; in this sense moving
from any location in the ‘known’ universe to another regardless
of distance (space/time) is done instantaneously without friction
as we are dealing with pure manifestation not travel through matter
or energy

there is much more that could be explained but man in his present state is not
qualified to know or is he capable of understanding, as he has become divorced
from universal harmony due to false beliefs and aggressive discord;
man must become One with universal harmony and the Infinite prior to understanding
and realising its laws which are only mysterious to the ignorant

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