Underground Oz Poetry     ozpoetry.lingama.net/news

by gayle via lex - Inverse Times Tuesday, May 14 2019, 8:36pm
international / poetry / post

u captured me with ur deep, easy eyes,
free me

u embraced me with ur firm body,
free me

u enslaved me with ur poetic heart,
free me

the words u weave mesmerise my mind,
free me

caught in bliss we fly over the drear of humanity
over trees, seas, mountains and plains,
eagles defer to our ecstatic soaring

i cannot nor would i fight this captivity,
free me

i was blind, lost and miserable
until ur love set me free

i am a slave in ur arms

who would have thought
a chance encounter would
grow endlessly and break the shackles
of a perverse and contorted culture?

play me forever, never leave me,

i surrender completely

Underground Oz Poetry. http://ozpoetry.lingama.net/news/poem-953.html