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Veils and Chains
by rayn via sadh - Inverse Times Thursday, Oct 31 2019, 8:20pm
international / poetry / post

caravans of thought
criss-cross over varied
imagined landscapes
ending where they start
in circles of pure futility,
a bridge cannot be crossed
by thought it must be traversed

“why take ye thought for raiment?”a sage once said,
truer words were never spoken

today, as always, trains of thought continue to betray the continuous --
infinity cannot be entered via finite means

each concept, thought, linguistic presentation follows another
like ants constrained by scent, culture is reinforced/reproduced thereby
in mind which cannot be separated from thought as thought creates mind;
what use comes of analysing every
crack, contour/texture of the walls that comprise a jail cell?
nature does not toil yet it creates the infinite cosmos
as by-product, nature/consciousness/creation have no need of
enslaving limited thought no matter how beguiling it may appear

the notion of self is traced to thought, “I think therefor I am [deluded]”
personal pronouns are the source of all conflict and misery
as thoughtless continuity is not limited or veiled by counterfeit cultural products
pretending value, identity and reality – every arbitrary designation of culture is a worthless
dream, yet dreams capture and impoverish if believed, lies cannot produce
truth, only more lies to distract and fascinate

tho billions are entrapped and exploited, freedom is forever on offer
there is no blindness darker than the open eyes of those that do not see
what is before their faces

and so Blake crossed the chasm with a tiny flower in his palm,
Rumi with the heart of a lover expressed in his verse, and in India,
Patanjali clearly stated that the culmination of yoga
is simply the “cessation of the modifications of mind,”
only slaves have need of teachers/gurus
tho before yoga old Lao traversed the nameless, undefinable Way as Heraclitus
apprehended the flux/continuity of the Logos

so do not complain, as there is no secret,
every tormented, culturally incarcerated being
holds the key to freedom in hand

the above sages to which i refer had certain
qualities/characteristics in common, heart, courage
and indefatigable perseverance – they were all heroes

do you have what it takes to Earn your Freedom?

Underground Oz Poetry. http://ozpoetry.lingama.net/news/poem-980.html