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We are ONE
We are ONE

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by quill Sunday, Jul 25 2010, 7:50am
international / poetry / post

it began with [You]
you know it.

first you tugged gently
at my garments
and played around my feet,
like a child

sparkling with laughter,
your flashing eyes
stole me away
from mundane tasks
and delivered me into your
serenity –
the face of infant Gods.

you grew before my eyes,
your adolescent embraces never
infrequent or devoid
of affection.

you flowered into
full youth, grown
full and firm
powerfully elegant
a vision
in human form.

it was/is time,
fruit of my soul,
diamond of my mind.

time to reach
the unattainable
time to savour forbidden fruit
and satiate a soul’s yearning,
a heart’s desire.

you led me
to the summit
through thickets
treacherous passes,
all manner of obstructions
and barriers you
adeptly and stealthily navigated
until we reached the peak --
rarefied air constantly
rasping at my throat.

there you left me
an offering,
to the Sun
body, mind and Soul.

my chest cavity opens
like a flower
warm solar rays;

with ease
inner being
releases itself
like scent
from forest trees;

my heart
opened to the Sun
in naked Love
for You.

I now die daily,
a mountain offering
for You alone.


audio Sweet Surrender - Tim Buckley

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by jaylin Monday, Jul 26 2010, 10:10am

i went to search in the sand
for a sign, a remnant, anything
to indicate you still lived;

you had become an echo
beyond the waves
carried on the wind
far beyond the shoreline,
even beyond my horizon.

the sky carried no news of you,
not a word written in the clouds
no sign to sooth my troubled soul.

the earth also
had no message to offer;

the sacred birds of heaven
that remain aloft for their entire lives,
plummeting to earth only when expired,
had no news, nothing to impart

you had vanished without a trace
it seemed.

i could not comfort my spirit
or alleviate my soul’s distress.

i wondered why this test,
the burden of your disappearance,
the possibility of your death

a silent ocean’s dance ...

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by tzu Tuesday, Jul 27 2010, 9:22pm

mist descends
drumming diminishes

jungles sleep early

murmurs and mutterings
fade into stillness

under a full jungle moon

i wait patiently
for your return

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