by cleaves Wednesday, Nov 18 2009, 6:19pm
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poetry /
Cleave to Love;
it is your power, strength and Being.
cling to it for dear Life, more important than the need to breathe
is Y/OUR
Love. Wonder not why millions become slaves to the vilest, darkest forces;
they have lost LOVE, their strength, the very foundation of BEING.
they fear everything and learn to loathe that which would free them;
the tragedy of our time is Love lost.
Love requires courage, forbearance, patience, endurance and wild abandon;
culture is anathema to the FREEDOM of Love – is it (now) clear why ‘they’ loathe it?
Love endures forever and overcomes every obstacle yet it escapes the fearful and timid – see how they run!
A loving heart is more than all the rhapsodies and lofty words ever written by the most sublime poets; a loving heart speaks all languages to all people for all time.
If you would make Love your eternal companion understand it cannot be possessed; it is given freely and must also be expressed freely and selflessly.
Cleave tightly to LOVE, grasp it as a drowning man would a saving hand
-- never let it go -- nothing else sustains and empowers like Love.
nothing/nobody is able to rob you of Love; its strength endures forever;
it is the reason and 'substance' of Existence.
If you do not Love you are already DEAD and nothing good comes from death or its progeny, denial, nihilism, hate and destruction
Understand that LOVE offers itself continuously to everyone without distinction or condition, it is your most precious resource – what morbid lunacy would reject or fear such a gift?
Be not afraid, Overcome, Embrace and Cleave to LOVE; it is YOUR salvation, only LOVE is able to cure all the woes of the world.
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Sufi Wisdom
by Hafiz via fleet Thursday, Nov 19 2009, 7:07am
Poetry reveals no empty space.
When truth forsakes its shyness,
When fears surrender to strengths,
You will begin to experience
That all existence
Is a teeming sea of infinite life.
In a handful of ocean water
You could not count all the finely tuned
Who are acting drunk
For very intelligent and sane reasons
And of course are becoming extremely endearing,
In a handful of the sky and earth,
In a handful of Creation,
We cannot count
All the ecstatic lovers who are dancing there
Behind the mysterious veil.
True art reveals there is no void
Or darkness.
There is no loneliness to the clear-eyed mystic
In this luminous, brimming
Playful world.
- Hafiz
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