Parallel Universe
harely quin, Sunday, Mar 23 2008, 11:34am
I saw myself in a parallel universe the other day searching for something I hadn’t lost. It seems I possessed what my mirror-self had lost -- very disconcerting! (story and 1 comment and 1 image)
Last Commented Sunday, Mar 23 2008, 11:57am
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Eight Hundred Years of Bliss
quill, Saturday, Nov 24 2007, 12:30pm
In celebration of Jalalu’l-Din Rumi, intoxicated on the Ecstasy of pure unadulterated existence – one who has crossed the bridge, an immortal. We are ONE!
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BBQ Chicken
dada, Thursday, Aug 9 2007, 1:16am
I usually pick up a BBQ Chicken at the end of the week, more from a need to avoid cooking than as a treat. I hadn’t seen the shop assistant who served me before, he was very particular about which chicken I selected, he gently prodded a few, very gently turned a few over all the while commenting on moisture content, texture and oven position. Very dedicated I thought as I pointed to a small plump chicken. The attendant smiled approvingly at my selection. As he placed the chicken in a take-away BBQ bag he gave me a knowing wink and said, “good selection, the pretty ones are not for eating." He then ritualistically handed the bag to me with both hands as if making an offering. Very odd behaviour I thought as I headed for the fresh vegetable section to obtain salad ingredients. (story and 2 comments and 1 image)
Last Commented Friday, Aug 10 2007, 10:24am
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quill, Saturday, Aug 4 2007, 10:50pm
For those for whom the world is meaningless and tiresome, read and remember!
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Interlude #9
tra la, Friday, May 11 2007, 10:51am
By way of balance and release. (story and 3 images)
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ppp club
reed, Saturday, Apr 7 2007, 2:21am
where have all the poets gone? (story and 2 images)
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Delayed Eye Movements
stylus via reed, Monday, Apr 2 2007, 11:03pm
a storeroom of experience and a mind out of time (story and 2 images)
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What is Old is New
apollonius, Saturday, Mar 24 2007, 11:51am
Perhaps a brief interlude is warranted on this site. A few whispers from the past follow:
"And as all things have been arose from one by ye mediation of one: so all things have their birth from this one thing by adaptation."
(Isaac Newton -- 1680)
(story and 2 images)
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A Word or Two
evo, Monday, Dec 4 2006, 10:17am
The word assassin comes to us from the hashish eaters who were commissioned to dispatch/eliminate enemy leaders – an interesting tactic that survives today in Iraq and other Muslim regions. Target the presented puppet leadership and force the faceless powers to reveal their real intentions to the world. Who would lament the elimination of those who would do the bidding of slave masters? Are they not worse than their masters? Theirs is the work of traitors – for thirteen pieces of dung they sell their OWN people to slave merchants. (story and 3 comments)
Last Commented Tuesday, Dec 5 2006, 7:39am
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Mixed Bag
various, Tuesday, Oct 31 2006, 5:48pm
An assortment from various sources. (story and 1 image)
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Mother Shipton's Prophecy
anon via rialator, Thursday, Oct 26 2006, 11:25am
The site does not usually cater for conjecture or new-age space cadets. However, this post is worth a read if not for the ‘signal in the heavens’ – a comet or other astronomical event – then for its uncanny accuracy on present events. Validation would prove depressing in any case, as it would be too late to recover. With that said it is perhaps timely to consider the experiments done by behavioural psychologists in the recent past.
Small groups of mammals (rodents) were given a finite environment to inhabit. Initially the supplied (confined) space, fixed supply of food, water and nesting material were abundant for the small numbers. The rodents began to breed prolifically; soon the finite resources were insufficient for the exploding population of rats. Suffice to say the rats began to kill, cannibalise and otherwise lose all their normal protective social behaviour – rat mayhem ensued. The rats became totally pathological relative to their earlier behaviour. Interestingly, the outcome was total extinction not the survival of the fittest as would be expected. The surviving rat generations lost all sense and instinctive direction and continued to kill each other (as learnt). The survivors all died or were severely crippled from their wounds.
If you ever wonder why, in the face of EXPOSED criminal government, the population DOES NOT ACT – it would appear it’s programmed in the DNA, let’s just call it the ‘lemming syndrome’. The species self-destructs in order that the greater good is maintained/harmonised. This applies to ALL species – how does it feel to be a failed species? The looming climatic catastrophe is man made – POLLUTION! Better not to mention the inability of man to successfully deal with the simple equation of limited sustainability. (story and 2 images)
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MANIFESTO of the progeny
holloman, Wednesday, Aug 9 2006, 4:55pm
There is no such thing as security! (story and 1 comment)
Last Commented Wednesday, Aug 9 2006, 6:32pm
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Through the Abyss
tora diab, Monday, Jul 24 2006, 5:17pm
Who or what is able to contend with one tempered by the horror of horrors, one who willingly enters the fires of hell in order to overcome? The demons run at the sight of those that have overcome the transforming fires of the Abyss! Only those that have passed through are able to comprehend our state. For the rest, run, hide or die are your only options. WE RULE THE RULERS.
Thus refined we achieve perfection in LOVE -- We are ONE!
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Protest Poetry
penn, Sunday, Jul 23 2006, 6:13am
The USA has forfeited any claim it may have had on moral leadership as a result of its failure to respond in a timely and appropriate fashion to the Middle East crisis. It has also lost the initiative in all matters international. Other nations have been forced to respond to the crisis in the face of U.S. incompetence. The following poem is an expression of disgust at the cold-blooded callousness and disregard for human life openly displayed by the USA and Israel. It is dedicated to the U.S. Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice. (story and 1 comment)
Last Commented Tuesday, Jul 25 2006, 5:50pm
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The Sentence: Oz Justice
Bob, Wednesday, Jun 21 2006, 6:38am
Bob’s barrister nudged him in the ribs as a signal to stand. The jury had returned with its verdict. Bob anticipated their decision as one would an echo – guilty as charged! The Judge shifted into automatic and delivered the sentence – three years with not less than twelve months to be served for his third offence, possession of marijuana.
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Midnight Light
Lao, Friday, Mar 31 2006, 1:01pm
Some verse. (story and 1 image)
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David, Sunday, Nov 6 2005, 11:25am
(for John Howard)
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Poetics or Propaganda
cleaves, Tuesday, Sep 6 2005, 3:17pm
Artistic intervention
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fish, Sunday, Jul 17 2005, 8:27am
Poetic intercession - We are One - All is One.
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Schoolyard Allegory
cleaves, Sunday, Jan 16 2005, 5:16am
Somewhere in an elementary school a schoolyard bully and his cowardly lackeys confronted an eleven-year-old boy and demanded money. The eleven-year-old had precious little money; he could not and would not accede to the demand. The bully decided to make a show of his displeasure and strength by belting the boy in the face. This event attracted the attention of all the other boys in the schoolyard (who had also been bullied.) A large crowd formed around the confrontation. The teachers in authority, for reasons known only to them, ignored the situation
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