Together as ONE
by Ra Sunday, Feb 28 2010, 8:00pm
international /
poetry /
The Supernals as Winged Sundisk
come to me my queen,
i have need
of your warm embrace,
your limitless Love
soothes my soul and revives my being.
my campaigns and daily travails are for you
our people are drawn to us
by the strength and attraction
of OUR Love for each other
We are One,
as the people are now ONE with us.
we have endured to the end and overcome
now a secret nation forms
beyond the reach of those destroyers of all that is good.
they are not able to see that which they cannot comprehend.
join me on the mountaintop where
clouds dance (joyfully) in azure skies
where vibrant forests
adorn hills and slopes,
teaming with life;
and below,
warm, dark valleys
cycles of existence.
come, join me at the Pinnacle where
mountain towers support the sky.
revitalise yourself
in my arms
rest your head on my chest
i am your Pharaoh, your King, and
you my Queen.
Life Harmony and Peace.
alone we are nothing
together, as ONE, all things are possible
no power in this universe
is able to resist the strength of our Love;
we have much to accomplish
You and I
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