"Global political awakening is historically anti-imperial, politically anti-Western, and emotionally increasingly anti-American." -- Zbigniew Brzezinski
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The sun rises
with a slow,
long hum
this morning,
how many suns have I seen
From the sands of Gizeh,
so long ago (such splendour)
to the
south cliffs of Bondi, today.
Same sun/soul
but with each new day
new experience –
no two risings alike
no two grains of sand or
leaves of grass the same,
nothing identical in this universe
or the next.
We are born/e with
each new day
We are Risen.
With each new rising
opportunities offered
to change anything we wish,
alter any circumstance
and greet a New dawn/Life.
The true nature of existence
is Flux;
allow Light to shatter illusion
and expose the static formulas --
death -- of conservatism;
refresh your mind.
He rises,
the Golden Phallus
of the sky,
dispelling the dark.
Mighty Ra,
(all) my delusions
cast your revealing Light
on the evil machinations
of men.
Renew/Free me;
release the shadow phantoms
of my mind,
cast your beams
across the mighty expanse
and revive my Soul ..
a warm
vibrating hum
permeates everything
this morning ..