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"Global political awakening is historically anti-imperial, politically anti-Western, and emotionally increasingly anti-American." -- Zbigniew Brzezinski

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We are ONE
We are ONE

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Written in the Wind
by wisp Saturday, Nov 20 2010, 9:53am
international / poetry / post

is not a defeatist remark;
it is anything but defeatist.

a certain sensitivity is required
to understand its import.

if we wish to comprehend
the vastness of the message
we must first draw away from
everything that dulls
our mind and senses;

mindless titillations
American materialism
and hedonism
clogs our fine human
receptors and depletes
our precious vitality.

turn off the perverse and hateful
electronic media for a day
and then on a regular basis,
allow your senses to cool --
your being will begin its fine tuning
almost immediately.

leave off the competitive games
American values and other distractions
allow the dead to bury the dead --
embrace Life and the harmony
of the natural world,
listen to its 'music.'

healthy and enduring values
are born of Love, mutual cooperation
and mutual assistance not
from sociopathic, fear ridden,
hate-filled American

we are One, or we are nothing;
we are our brothers' keeper
we are our brother;
it is time to understand that reality
and become aware
of those influences that divide us
and would ultimately lead
to our destruction and ruination,
this is not difficult to comprehend.

no one owns you or any part
of the natural world, we share these gifts
with each other.

sit or walk quietly
and listen to the wind,
its message is timeless;
it speaks of Freedom,
remove all imposed shackles (debt slavery)
and let go –
acquisitiveness and
constant appropriation
are roads to slavery and despair;
release yourself
move freely with the wind,
reject all manner of constraints,
liberate yourself from bondage
of every kind.

the wind speaks to everyone
according to their level
of understanding,
it helps us synchronise
our being with Creation
until we finally learn
that we are and always have been,
no ones' master or servant
simply One with all Existence --
an existence born of Love
and manifest in Harmony.

I leave you with sublime Peace
and boundless Love,
nature's gifts to everyone --
let no one rob you of your inheritance,

We are ONE.


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take a look
by keo Tuesday, Nov 23 2010, 6:50pm

while people focus on the two party political charade -- controlled by single interests -- they fail to see the shackles on their legs or feel the load on their backs. Two party adversarial politics is a distracting sham, as the the USA CLEARLY exemplifies (nothing changes except the puppet's face in the White House).

Obama has done nothing if not advance the same principles as Cheney/Bush, in fact, he has accelerated every aspect of that dastardly regime's policies. So why persist in playing the mindless left-right political game? ALL major parties in Western democracies have been bought by Big Business, Corporatists.

If you want real change then begin holding the major Corps and Banks to account then hang the CEOs and other directors as the (people's) Court rules.

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