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"If not for the notion of good there would be no evil" -- Lao tzu

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We are ONE
We are ONE

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by fray Wednesday, Dec 15 2010, 9:19am
international / poetry / post

(for rhea)

re-arranged pieces
form new creations,
something completely
Life emerges from
apparent death,
from assembled fragments
of diverse material
artists pursue
(participate in) the process
of Creation.

they say no man
has seen the face of God
(the ultimate creator) and lived,
utter bunk!
we see Creation
in all its glory
words fail to describe Infinity

a mortal mouth
is unable to articulate its splendour

no creator hides
from its creation,
what nonsense religionists weave
to confuse and confound
their congregations,
what lies they promulgate.

it is plain to see
through unbiased eyes
that LOVE arises from
deep within/without
and (re)connects to itself continually
forming new ever-changing patterns/

no selfishness has ever known Love
no contriver, manipulator
or calculating ‘acquisitor’
has ever experienced Love’s
comforting embrace

Love showers sweet kisses only
on innocence, integrity and selflessness

is it possible to grasp a thing
by removing self from the equation?

sweet surrender ensures
complete Freedom,
a fool's paradox only.

identity impedes emancipation,
all notions of distinction
-- Infinity is ONE --
only blind ignorance
would attempt to dissect
continuity with time.

it is a very good thing to be
supported by Love alone
nothing sustains
like Love's permeating,
all-enveloping strength.

to all my Lovers,
it never ceases or diminishes
be strengthened by the memory
of those special moments,
sweet kisses
and tender embraces ..


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