Irresistible ...
by stace Friday, Jul 26 2013, 1:07pm
international /
poetry /
... is the push to consciousness
- i speak of Ra -
the fiery globe
that burns across the sky
and its cool counterpart
at night
together push and express one
quality -- consciousness
the clarity of being
the kinesis of knowledge
the bliss of creation
tho no energetic heavenly body
compares to my will for you -
ur form defined by ur
presence in limitless
- passion packaged -
beauty that issues from
the heart, soul
from the inside out
external glamour is transient
a hag hides just beneath the skin
of those enamoured by appearances -
worshippers of light
know no decay or corruption
i see u with my sense
not my eye
i feel u with my spirit
and embrace u
with my
who could interrupt our
subtle interactions,
our cajoling, murmuring?
what place the corporeal
in a world of light?
what hope the discontinuous
in the continuous,
where is my end if
i have no beginning?
pure will/volition
the essence beneath
all manifestation
is the same
we appear separated
to offer the chance
of union,
a trick existence plays on itself
though we have never been separated
we engage each other anew
and so we have the forever,
the infinite
dance of creation
animated by one quality,
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