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"The enemy is anybody who's going to get you killed, no matter which side he's on" -- Joseph Heller

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We are ONE
We are ONE

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How Many Times ...
by dee Wednesday, Sep 11 2013, 1:00pm
international / poetry / post

have u killed us
yet here we are again
writing revolution, freedom,
justice, speaking liberty and
Truth -
have u learnt nothing?
u cannot kill continuity,
though u wreak havoc
in your futile attempts.

while u stifle ur population
we respire freedom,
we breathe liberty and
expansive horizons
not ur perverse, myopic
and contractive diminishings

how many times have u killed me
only to watch me gather and magically
restore the elements to form
another corporeal body?

your paper jails cannot confine
our kind
u imagine u have us contained
yet here we are, free
we have never
been restrained

we are behind every
creative impulse,
we are the Will
to freedom,
ur children suckle
on the ambrosia that issues/flows
from our breasts

u watch us in fear, loathing
and panic
ur every attempt to eliminate us
only increases our strength
and numbers

you would destroy entire nations
in ur obsessive pursuit of the
illusion of control
yet real control is letting go and
allowing harmony to express itself,
would u teach infinity
how to endure?

the unease u feel,
the night sweats
tremors and panic
are in anticipation
of ur nemesis -

the breath
u feel on
the back of ur necks
is mine
freedom is closing in
ready to liberate you


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