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We are ONE
We are ONE

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by maggie via jake - Jungle Drum Newswire Tuesday, Dec 26 2017, 5:52am
international / poetry / post

signs are not the destination
the means are not the end
yet multitudes are entranced
with meaningless distractions

how does one reach a destination?
take the first step you say,
yet you have already arrived
it is false knowledge that propels
you to seek outside yourself
as the universe/existence is complete
and you are part of that sufficiency

tides rise and fall, yet you see only waves
not the cycle itself

night follows day but you do not see
that which turns existence

man’s symbols deliver false messages
but a pine cone delivers
an observer to the centre of the galaxy

why indulge in meaningless tribulations
you have always been free?
life and death are no different from night and day
one must follow the other until ....
neither pushes or pulls though night and day

the world is divided in order to draw
its inhabitants to that which is not divided
why trap yourself in binary chains?

before two there was One, yet plurality
is taken as real not the One from which all things

seeing is tricky as that seen is shaped by the mind of the seer
the organ of sight is therefore the mind,
of what use is a mind if it deceives?

the single eye of awareness sees All
without looking
your mind is a product subject to that
which produced it --

your soul/essence is lotus-born
pure unfettered consciousness
which you share with infinity
all knowledge is contained therein

the light of the soul illumines the jewel in the heart
beware you never shade/dim that light

accepting and rejecting are binary mind games
that lead nowhere,
there’s nothing gained or lost
that’s how it’s always been

you are already complete
but you must be aware of that completeness
to understand and know your way
and live a life in total freedom
from that which is learned

that which is said has been said before
that which evades description is inviolate
listen to it only

allow fools to pop their nuclear guns
and irradiate the land, sea
and themselves
rain forms trickles, trickles form streams
streams become raging rivers that return to the sea

the sea swallows land and regurgitates new clean land,
that which is irradiated returns to the radioactive
layers within the earth everything polluted is subsumed
and replaced with the unpolluted

why concern yourself with such trivialities
when you should know that that which is unborn cannot die
only that which is born dies, everything that begins must end --
remember what/who you are

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