by jude via sybil - Jungle Drum Newswire Monday, Feb 12 2018, 6:16am
international /
poetry /
the still whiteness deceives, its serenity harbours
explosive force
certain actions realise certain results
a potential avalanche at critical mass needs
very little to trigger the devastating fall
what we know is where it ends in the valley/lowland after
everything on the slopes has been impacted
the picturesque village at the bottom of the mountain
seems like an array of doll’s houses
a wise sage once informed me that thoughts were things
as powerful, if not more so, than actions
a rifle-carrying fool knowing nothing of the danger
shoots at a wild sheep, the report rings through the valley and
echoes, locals dread the result
similar thoughts attract each other in the aether
and become a cumulative force seeking expression
they grow, fed constantly by men’s minds
another harsh crack is heard but not from a rifle
the ice and snow near the top of the mountain
is released, in an instant the entire accumulated snow and ice
roars down the side of the mountain and buries the village
snapping the houses like so many matchsticks
it is not an accidental result, though the fool with the gun,
unaware, triggered the devastation
accumulated good and bad thoughts vie with each other
until one becomes stronger and overwhelms the other
how simple it is to think, speak and act for the good of all,
which ensures the good of the thinker
today however, there are too many ‘armed’ fools ready
to kill others and themselves ...
‘We don’t like that kind of disposition, don’t be so reckless,
put down your ‘guns.’
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