Underground Oz Poetry Independent Open Publishing
"The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire" -- Robert A Heinlein

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Post Your Poem
Please use this form to post your poem. The summary box is now largely redundant, however, some syntax is required; if no descriptive info or dedication is needed simply input a fullstop in the box and continue.

The large text box is provided for your poem.

Fields and boxes marked required must be filled. Some contributors may choose to use an alias, others may wish to identify themselves to maintain publication continuity and retain copyright. It should be understood that everything posted on the Internet today is stored by various government agencies and large corporations forever!

Editorial Policy
The site was founded on an unrestricted content basis; this remains the preferred mode of publishing. By default, all contributions assume a 'no rights reserved' status unless otherwise stated in the work itself. It is understood that all content posted to this site is offered free for non-commercial re-use, conditional to acknowledgment of authorship and copyright if expressed. Unless otherwise stated, ownership of content rests with the respective author. The Oz Poetry site is a free publishing medium; all opinions are those of the respective authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of others or the Oz Poetry cooperative. For more information see our Editorial Guidelines page.

File Uploads

Please use this if you want to upload one or more files with your poem. Select the number of files you wish to upload and then click on the let me do it! button. You will be taken to a form which allows you to upload one or more media files (.jpg or .mp3) with your poem -- size restrictions apply.

          files to upload

Publishing Form
Use this form to publish your poem.

Author Details
Please enter the author or producer of the piece you're posting - if you represent an organisation you can include its name.
Including contact details is optional but will mean our audience (including journalists) can contact you about your poem, perhaps for possible re-use in other places. Please note however that any contact details you provide are published openly along with your poem for all to see.
You can include a web address to link to related material. This will appear as a link at the bottom of your poem. If you don't specify a URL prefix such as http:// or ftp:// or mailto: then http:// will be prepended automatically.
Poem Relevance
Please select the region that the piece you're posting is most relevant to. All posts are given equal status.
Please select the topic that the piece you're posting is most related to.
Please select the type of poem that you're posting but if you can't find a suitable type then perhaps consider that your piece may not be appropriate for submission.

Poem Content
Give your piece a title, and a subtitle if required.
Please DO NOT spell your title or subtitle completely in uppercase. It ruins the look of certain displays and will not make your poem any more prominent!
If your piece is short then you only need fill in the Summary box - otherwise use the Summary box to present a clear outline of the Full Text.
max 1000 characters
If your poem is long it is a good idea to write it in a text editor like Notepad first, then when it's finished, copy and paste it into the Full Text box.
Note: to include clickable links in your poem enter the URLs (web addresses) in the form of http://your.domain.com or mailto:myaddress@mymailserver.com - they will be converted to links. All other HTML tags will be ignored.
  Please enter the letters/numerals you recognize in the image below. If the image is illegible, click it for a new one.

What is 14 * 6 =  

Legal Stuff
Poetry contributed to this site is free for non-profit re-use (for more information, check out http://www.opencontent.org/). If you wish to alter the status of your work, clearly state your conditions at the end of the text e.g. Author retains copyright, or Copyright applies.

In extremely rare instances, legal reasons etc, content that has been published may be deleted by the cooperative. Please read our privacy and disclaimer statements.

ACCEPT TERMS & CONDITIONS: By ticking this box I accept all the above referenced terms and conditions which means that all content I am about to publish is free for non-commercial re-use, reprint, and rebroadcast, on the internet and elsewhere, unless I have EXPLICITLY stated otherwise in the text of my content.

At busy times it may take some time to upload your poem - please help us by clicking on the 'Preview Before Publishing!' button once only. This will take you to a preview of your poem where you may decide to edit it again before finally publishing.


© 2005-2025 Underground Oz Poetry.
Unless otherwise stated by the author, all content is free for non-commercial re-use, reprint, and rebroadcast, on the net and elsewhere.
Opinions are those of the contributors and are not necessarily endorsed by Underground Oz Poetry.
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